About Us

Why we started

We are guys who care about how to make right choices of product on our hair and skin. We started to craft our own natural hair products in house that used highest quality, but simple natural ingredients as possible as we can. We think this is only way to make a good product. 

As active guys, we also want our natural product that work. We have created products that meet specific needs for different hair types with styling, clean, strength boost products.   

We choose right and limited natural ingredients

We are confident in our ingredient choices and we want you to be as well. Carefully select key ingredients that are necessary for products. All products and ingredients are natural, vegan and cruelty free. 

We want to grow 

We would continually craft more natural and styling products for guys.  Not only for creating more products, we also want to improve our product experience that deliver better sense and efficacy, with simpler and clean ingredients.